Void UI VoidUI
Void UI VoidUI
Fondé le
24 septembre 2017
41 commentaires
Starfoth The Burgundy Silk Rug 7 oct. 2023 à 19h38 
Is there any plan to port to 3?
Poochie 3 aout 2023 à 18h12 
Love Void UI, thanks so much for making it :er_heart:
Kaasi 3 aout 2023 à 6h46 
I just downloaded Void UI with VanillaHud Plus and did every step there was to get the 2 hud mods working as intended. There's just one problem. I see the default detection rate behind the void UI one. Does anyone have an idea why this happens?
tskxz 20 nov. 2021 à 15h06 
after using voidui for the first time, when i go to custody, my game crashes, am i the only one?
Vanilla :3 23 oct. 2021 à 19h16 
does custom interactions work with the hud because i can't tell if its me screwing up or something with the hud
Kamik4dze1 10 sept. 2021 à 14h26 
i have same problem as @Vortix01
Vortix 10 sept. 2021 à 11h38 
Hi my tabstat isnt working i press tab my screen is blured but nothing shows up any fix?
GuyWithAHat 20 juil. 2021 à 22h15 
Are we even going to get a reason why VoidUI is basically abandoned? At least give us a reason it's not getting updates anymore, please!
GuyWithAHat 19 mai 2020 à 14h32 
Game crashes after loading a heist, the crash log is "mods/Void UI/lua/HudManager.lua:265: attempt to call method 'get_scoreboard_panel_by_peer_id' (a nil value)"
[Further details in my discussion]
ℜ | DDRMANIAC007 22 mars 2020 à 4h18 

You found your own problem my dude.
clout :3 22 mars 2020 à 3h59 
Application has crashed: C++ exception
[string "lib/managers/musicmanager.lua"]:365: attempt to concatenate field 'current_track' (a nil value)
salad 14 mars 2020 à 11h38 
Please fix the problem when the game crashes because of the Scoreboard
BL4Z3ST0RM 5 mars 2020 à 18h15 
Any chance that we could get a fix for this mod?
i'm currently getting this in my crash log:

on_ext_inventory_changed() @mods/Void UI/lua/HudScoreboard.lua:704
ext_inventory_changed() lib/managers/hudmanagerpd2.lua:1229
on_ext_inventory_changed() @mods/Void UI/lua/HudManager.lua:531
_set_body_bags_amount() lib/managers/playermanager.lua:4744
_internal_load() lib/managers/playermanager.lua:695
spawned_player() lib/managers/playermanager.lua:958
set_unit() lib/network/base/networkpeer.lua:2300
spawn_unit() lib/network/base/networkpeer.lua:2203
spawn_players() lib/network/base/basenetworksession.lua:1513
update() lib/states/ingamewaitingforplayers.lua:290
update() core/lib/utils/game_state_machine/coregamestatemachine.lua:92
update() lib/setups/setup.lua:878
update() lib/setups/gamesetup.lua:718
update() lib/setups/networkgamesetup.lua:21
jules 30 oct. 2019 à 9h02 
everytime i start a heist it just crashes
gabsF 20 oct. 2019 à 15h08 
gotta translate void ui in my translate mod, hope Aldo Raine dont get angry at this Kappa
Kratorius 30 juil. 2019 à 9h19 
hi Hello, I recently downloaded the VOID UI mod.fuguje and I'm happy with it :) I just need advice on how to turn it off to show me over enemy how much they have etc..Dále regarding turn off the direction indicator from where I trefuji.Děkuji for advice
Cross76 20 déc. 2018 à 11h53 
I am having issues with starting the heists. It started sudenly. Can you guis help me?

Application has crashed: C++ exception
[string "lib/states/ingamewaitingforplayers.lua"]:610: attempt to index local 'next_state' (a nil value)


at_exit() @mods/Void UI/lua/HudBlackscreen.lua:310
trans_func() lib/states/gamestate.lua:14
_do_state_change() core/lib/utils/game_state_machine/coregamestatemachine.lua:124
end_update() core/lib/utils/game_state_machine/coregamestatemachine.lua:104
end_update() lib/setups/setup.lua:916
end_update() lib/setups/gamesetup.lua:787
end_update() lib/setups/networkgamesetup.lua:33
payday2_win32_release (???) ???
payday2_win32_release (???) zip_get_name
payday2_win32_release (???) zip_get_name
Respawn 23 nov. 2018 à 9h50 
Yes, everything is fine here
Xeletron™ 23 nov. 2018 à 9h32 
Overkill just released an update that should fix this issue, seems like it was a problem with the game itself. Is everything working fine now?
Respawn 23 nov. 2018 à 2h47 
After Payday 2 update crash when starting any heist

Application has crashed: C++ exception
mods/Void UI/lua/HudScoreboard.lua:77: attempt to concatenate field 'max' (a function value)


new() core/lib/utils/coreclass.lua:35
lpi_original_hudstatsscreen_recreateright() @mods/Void UI/lua/HudScoreboard.lua:944
recreate_right() @mods/Lobby Player Info/lua/newhudstatsscreen.lua:6
init() lib/managers/hud/newhudstatsscreen.lua:85
init() @mods/Void UI/lua/HudScoreboard.lua:123
new() core/lib/utils/coreclass.lua:35
_setup_stats_screen() lib/managers/hudmanagerpd2.lua:1177
setup() 4
setup() lib/managers/hudmanager.lua:328
load_hud() lib/managers/hudmanager.lua:315
show_stats_screen() lib/managers/hudmanagerpd2.lua:1187
original() @mods/Void UI/lua/HudManager.lua:217
_setup_player_info_hud_pd2() @mods/base/req/core/Hooks.lua:185
setup() 4
setup() lib/managers/hudmanager.lua:328
load_hud() lib/managers/hudmanager.lua:315
original() lib/managers/hudmanager.lua:217
Void Lord Bee 21 sept. 2018 à 12h39 
Can't get it to work, it just crashes.
Sir Slothington IV 18 aout 2018 à 6h43 
I <3 this hud. Any chance we can get status effect icons (similar to what pocohud has) later on?
ℜ | DDRMANIAC007 15 aout 2018 à 19h06 
Alright I must have missed it.
Xeletron™ 15 aout 2018 à 18h37 
I released an update that fixes the Hacker deck issue 3 days ago
ℜ | DDRMANIAC007 15 aout 2018 à 16h12 
Update is needed for Joy and her perk deck.
chowanatohr 28 mai 2018 à 1h27 
Am I able to completely disable the hostages panel in the upper right?
Xeletron™ 11 mai 2018 à 20h47 
You probably have a true ammo mod installed thats conflicting, disable it
Baron O' Beef Dip 11 mai 2018 à 20h35 
How do I fix the bug where my ammo reserve and what's currently in my mag don't show up?
アーキタイプ 30 avr. 2018 à 14h06 
erm.. does this mod will get updated sooner or later?
Xeletron™ 24 mars 2018 à 9h50 
Nah, i'm just busy with other stuff. Sorry, I'll make an update as soon as I can
Rattlesnake 23 mars 2018 à 10h44 
void rip?
Tom Wilner 16 mars 2018 à 15h19 
Can i combine this hud with WolfHud?
Xeletron™ 6 janv. 2018 à 8h12 
I dunno how I didn't think about that... I'll fix it, thanks
AGONIZING RECTAL PAIN 6 janv. 2018 à 7h33 
found this bug:

the "no suspicious activity" warning changes color in "sin" because of a player in my team
SKYFROST 5 nov. 2017 à 6h27 
@COBALT, Для показа таймеров используй HUDlist или pocohud. Автор мода не будет добавлять их.
COBALT 5 nov. 2017 à 2h30 
Вопрос разработчикам данного худа (мода). А вы можете ещё сделать чтоб показывал время взлома компьютеров (дрели, бура и т.д.), сколько копов на карте, что бы турели устанавливались сразу в бронебойный режим (то и дело переключать их очень неудобно) и чтоб на них были лазерные прицелы. Можете добавить эти функции далее?
Xeletron™ 30 oct. 2017 à 16h32 
Only on github for now, hopefully I'll be ready with a full update soon
Ghoul 30 oct. 2017 à 15h42 
Don't mean to sound naggy but is the HUD updated since crimefest finished?
Xeletron™ 29 oct. 2017 à 4h12 
But you can move it higher already in the options menu
Xeletron™ 21 oct. 2017 à 10h16 
I'm aware that after the day 3 update the hud is crashing. Disable the stats panel and it should work, but i cant guarantee anything. I was just going to release an update with fixes, but theres no point to it now. its up on github if you want it. I'll probably wait until the end of crimefest
Xeletron™ 2 oct. 2017 à 11h45 
If you encounter a crash or find a bug, please start a discussion about it here so its easier to keep track of them