Star Wars: The Lost Tales SWTLT
Star Wars: The Lost Tales SWTLT
2015. december 16.
A(Z) Star Wars: The Lost Tales CSOPORTRÓL


A Tale of Lost Tales

Ours is the way, in a simple and never ending void of space.

Ours is the way, a tale never to be told.

We were the champions,

The Soldiers bold.

We fought for what was right.

We stood against our foes.

Standing tall in this blight,

We accepted our woes.

Now where is the way?

Where are the champions or soldiers?

Who can tell us what is right?

Who are our foes?

All there is is suffering.

The Legend of the void.

These are our stories, the stories, of our
Lost Tales.

Group Teamspeak

Roll20 - Room for Die Rolling[]
Lost Tales Season 3: Dev Diary 4
In the year 4BBY, the Spearhead of the Mandalorian Crusade was shattered by the Infamously Famous Grand Admiral August Virai over the Makeshift Bastion world of Allanteen. There, the Grand Admiral stood with but half the number of the Mandalorian tides, and held. Despite suffering critical damage, and losing half of his number, with the remainder requiring significant repair, the Mandalorians broke upon Allanteen.

August, having failed in his imperial duty to execute the Mandalorian's Mandalore by capturing him alive, failing to annihilate the Mandalorians in their entirety, and suffering immense casualty figures, was sent back to his production world of Taanab. There, he manages a garrison order by the Emperor, heavily politically isolated despite his constant displays of loyalty, and heroism. Because of his political preferences, military tactics, and general behaviorisms, the Hero of the Empire continues his political isolation. Though, some sparks within the Empire have not forgotten the Grand Admiral's efforts, even if much of High Command have already gone back to discussing his various odd obsessions.

Did you forget to give me thanks? If you failed to thank your Arbitratah....


The Mandalorians, having their Mandalor captured and placed into stasis, have fractured. All factions have either been wiped out, scattered, or inducted into the Empire's military forces in-full. A third of Mandalorians joined the Empire after another third were blasted into dust throughout the Mandalorian sector in their defiant 'Neutrality'. The final third was shattered upon Allanteen by Grand Admiral Virai. What remains of the Mandalorian culture now either marches to the Imperial drum, or lie scattered amongst the Outer Rim. All Mandalorian production facilities lie destroyed, or captured by the Empire.

Surprisingly, whilst some Mandalorians have found themselves aligning to the Rebels, most have not. The numerous clashes between Rebel humanitarians and Mandalorian Crusaders throughout the Bothan Sphere of Influence has led to the two powers to grow estranged. As the only true Mandalorian militant forces that remain are those shattered from the Crusade, or Imperial, it is unlikely to see any true number of Mandalorians joining Rebel fighter wings directly. Most have taken to bounty work, or mercenary detail amongst the Outer Rim. Either for the Hutts, or other more mysterious employ.

The Lore is yours, did you remember your duty? If you forgot to do your duty...


Following the dropping stability of the Empire, and critical casualty margines throughout, Lord Vader has established his own Armada. Death Squadron, headed by Admiral Piell. Furthermore, due to the growing reports of supposed 'Jedi' amongst Rebel forces under the banners of the Arch-Rebel Perceval Trevelin, Lord Vader has, under the permiss of Emperor Palpatine, restored the Inquisitorius Order. This Order is under the command of Lord Vader's own Hand, Inquisitor Marek.

Hmm, a quick lore snip.... Good for you. If you didn't give your thanks before my count to two.....


Grand Moff Tarkin has overseen the successful re-annexation of the rebellious 'Mandalorian Core' and subsequent 'Shadow Sector'. As of current point, it is largely believed most purpetrators of the Mandalorian Crusade have been hunted down, and annihilated. Rumors of the Shadow Emperor's death are widespread and largely believed. With the loss of the their council world of Las Magnus, it is believed the Shadow Empire has been destroyed.

This is, of course, rumor propegated by the Shadow Empire. The organization has almost entirely vanished back underground throughout the galaxy at large through Hutt channels. Hundreds of Billions of credits worth of assets had already been cycled through tens of thousands of back channels to thousands of neutral parties for future usage. The Shadow Emperor himself remained completely unharmed, or located, throughout the entire affair. Though, most knowledge of his existance is still not entirely known throughout the galaxy.

Wonderful lore, yes. Everyone loves a good mysterious villain.... Do you know what else everyone loves? Appreciation. If you forgot to give your thanks....


The Admurian Union continues their expansion into the unknown regions. Multiple skirmishes against slaving races, or various monstrocities has occupied much of their time during the past 18 months. Whilst they have also engaged in multiple strikes against the Empire, they have also shown a significant interest in exploring the Unknown. Inspired by the historical "Discovery of Adumar" by Praerator Perceval Trevelin, many seek to reenact his tale by jumping randomly into the unknown. Attrition from such jumps has proven to be... costly. So much so that Perceval enacted a policy establishing an Exploratory Guild upon Adumar. Any exploration not conducted under it's perview is cause for seizure of all personal assets. As, as described, "If you are so stupid as to willingly jump through a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ STAR just to see if you could, you don't NEED your ship anymore."

As Adumarian industry expands through the combined investerature of the Rebellion, being one of only three shipyards of the Rebellion and their core starfighter production center, Adumar prospers through war. Their leader, the Infamously Famous Leader of Notoriety, Perceval Trevelin, has lived nearly an entire decade embroiled by war. The ramping up of the current civil war is largely due to the result of the warhawking of Iblis, Trevelin, and Radus.

As more of Vren's legacy is uncovered, new threats, and new allies, are found. There is still so much left to be decoded from Vren's final gift to the Praerator, so many secrets to be unravelled.

Amazing, interesting, wondrous. If you forgot to give your thanks...


Recently upon Tatooine, the 501st had been deployed hunting a yet unknown reasons. Having deployed deep within Hutt influence, Lord Vader and the 501st scoured the planet, leaving close to 30% of the population slaughtered. Many smugglers were responsible for that figure being lower, as close to 20% of the population fled the planet via blockade running. What remained fled into the deserts, or otherwise capitulated to the Empire. After two weeks of garrisoning the planet, Vader's Fist departed the planet into the unknown.

Yes, this is Darth Vader pursuing Oby, and Obi Wan flees with Luke on the Millenium Falcon. This is an artificial trigger of Vital Lore characters as Lore variance has disabled many cannon events. No, cherrypicking characters is still not allowed. If you are caught, be ready to get your nose bopped with a backhand verbally.

Sounds familiar..... Remember?


The Empire, having suffered critical amounts of officerial casualties following the Mandalorian Genocide, in which many tens of thousands of officers were picked off by near suicidal Mandalorian agents, the Empire has found themselves in a rather unique situation. Having already been vastly understaffed, the Empire now finds itself in dire need of officers. Cadets are being pushed through the academies nearly a full year early, promotions are now being held at an exponential rate, and rare situations have seen mere Sub-Lieutenants manning the helms of Star Destroyers. Whilst the older Grand Admiralty have maintained their admiralties throughout the entire ordeal, most of the newer Grand Admirals are struck by this shortage.

This has led to both good and bad results, as a surge of Progressive officer staff has occurred within the Empire. As the indoctrination process is not as long, and the officers growing younger and younger in age, many officer candidates no longer have their wanderous and inquisitive thoughts annihilated to their fullest. This is in the case of Conservative bastions, as in Progressive holdouts, this surge has led to a blossoming of officer flow. Grand Admirals such as Thrawn, Danadel, and Virai, have found themselves able to maintain a healthy, if still understaffed, officer corps.

Much, much to the chagrin and, at times, outright anger of the other Grand Admirals, Grand Moffs, and even Admiralty itself. How this progresses from here, no one is certain.

Remember me?


Following the Mandalorian Crusade, casualties throughout the Empire from dozens of outright revolts, Grand Moff insurrection, corruption, attrition, and overall chaos has led to the Empire losing nearly 17% of the Imperial Navy.

This shocking level of attrition, whilst mostly from desertation from various Moffs and Grand Moffs, outlines a horrible line of loss. The Empire has already expedited production and recruitment, but it will take at least two years to recover fully. Time that the Galaxy will not allow them without a fight. The Republican forces have begun launching ever more daring raids, and dozens of sectors along the outer rim have risen in outright rebellion.

In a twist of political stance, the Empire has temporarily pulled back from the Eastern and Northern Outer Rims to focus heavy garrison upon the Core Worlds. This policy of focus has maintained stability throughout the Galactic Core whilst leading to ever more blatant rebellion within and without of the Outer Rim. Crime and chaos has exploded. If not for Grand Moff Tarkin's masterful reconquest of the Southern Rim, the Empire would have lost the entire Rim.

To the Inner Regions, this plan is generally viewed as a Masterful maneuver to lure out their enemies and traitors for direct battle. But to the Rims and Republican Rebels, this appears to be blood in the water, weakness that should, must, and will be exploited. The Civil War has entered a new stage upon the Galactic Theater. Who will win is uncertain.

But what is known, is that Heroes on both sides continue to battle it out for a cause they believe in.

We hope you all enjoyed this latest dev diary, and may the force be!

You're still banished by the way. You know you deserve it, especially that F*****g droid..... Why I aughta.... wait... where did Toad Man come from?


Look forward to our next dev diary where we will be doing our Season 3 Opening Crawl!!

~~~Stay Tuned!!!

Faction Checker [Lore Admin]
  • Perseval Trevelin (GuardsGhost)
  • Arden Lorne - Brentaal Rebels (Ser Wall Monks)
Galactic Empire
  • August Virai (Ian)
  • Fyodor Thul (Valrin)
  • Alexander Damarys (Rhnous)
  • Callista Volsh (Remagen)
Northern Confederacy
  • Gan Dyi (Baron)
Mandalorian and or Shadow Syndicate
  • Muxe Pamuo (Branchie)
  • Atalor Hart (Vorar) The Order of the Blackguard

This is to build a roster of players aside from the main one to exclusively look at the number of players on each side.

1 megjegyzés
2015. december 16.