กลุ่ม STEAM
The-Bro-Code T-B-C
กลุ่ม STEAM
The-Bro-Code T-B-C
26 ธันวาคม 2009
เกี่ยวกับ The-Bro-Code

The Bro Code

Everyone's life is governed by an internal code of conduct. Some call it morality. Others call it religion. But Bros in the know call this holy grail the Bro Code.Historically a spoken tradition passed from one generation to the next, the official code of conduct for Bros appears here in its published form for the first time ever. By upholding the tenets of this sacred and legendary document, any dude can learn to achieve Bro-dom.

=== Origin Of The Bro Code ===

While the story of the Bro Code is not nearly as simple and elegant as God handing down some stone tablets to Broses, Its origins weave all the way back to the dawn of humanity.
In the beginning there was no Bro Code... which was unfortunate for the world's first Bros -- Cain and Abel. Lacking an agreed-upon set of social principles. Cain killed Abel and committed history's first Broicide. As punishment Cain was doomed to walk the earth alone. Why? Because without a wingman, he had absolutely no chance to meet chicks.
Centuries later a Bro from Sparta and a Bro from Troy got in a fight over a chick named Helen. I Know, "Helen" doesn't sound hot, but allegedly she had a "face that launched a thousand ships," so you can just imagine what her rack was like. The two Bros waged a terrible war over this chick -- a war that could have been avoided had the Bros been familiar with the most basic Bro Code: Bros before ho's. Troy put up a good fight, but the Spartan navy was very powerful. Soon hordes of Spartan seamen burst through the Trojan barrier, and Helen got half the gold for the next eighteen years.
Hundreds of years later, appropriately in Philadelphia (the City of Bro Love), a little known delegate named Barnabas Stinson scratched on parchment what is now considered the earliest attempt to record the Bro Code. Over the years Bros have amended and added rules, but Stinson's elegant words remain as the glorious preamble to the Bro Code.
While the original document is housed two stories beneath sea level in an undisclosed, vacuum-sealed, bulletproof chamber, I was able to gain access long enough to manufacture this replica.

(Exclusive new rule to the Bro Code)
"The Official Bro Code Rules : 151"
151) Add your Bros to The-Bro-Code group. Not doing this is a violation of the Bro Code. Breaking this rule is worse then killing a Bro, leaving a Bro hanging, having a Bro-mance and breaking the first rule of the Bro Code. "Bros before Ho's"

-Exception: Exlcluding someone not worthy of joining the Bro Code group because he has violated one of the rules and betrayed a Brosef.

To Purchase The Official Bro Code Book (click here)[www.scribd.com]
The Official Bro Code Rules : 1-10
The Official Bro Code Rules : 11-20
28 ความเห็น
DwightSchrute 24 ก.ค. 2011 @ 3: 36am 
Sasuko Yoshida 26 ก.ค. 2010 @ 12: 52am 
Lol :D Im still a bro
ThePie 5 มิ.ย. 2010 @ 11: 43am 
ThePie 5 มิ.ย. 2010 @ 11: 42am 
I am very sorry to say this but... This gorup is in direct violation with bro code article 4: "A bro never divulges the existence of the bro code to a woman. It is a sacred document not to be shared with chicks for any reason. "
Spunky 25 ก.พ. 2010 @ 1: 42am 
Monkey D. Terry 8 ม.ค. 2010 @ 10: 48pm 
LMAOOO OWNED yh nah invite everyone its the bro way
0 ในแช็ต
26 ธันวาคม 2009