Transcend SE Server TRSES
Transcend SE Server TRSES
게임 중
2014년 7월 28일
Transcend SE Server 정보

Transcend Space Engineer Servers

NOTE: If you are crashing right when you enter game, DX11 may be bugged for you. Try again using DX9 for now.

This "server" is actually a group of servers that are connected. More servers will be added in the future with differing sizes and rules, but all will be connected by gates. For now all the servers are PVP based, but that may change in the future where there may be some PVE only areas. All servers are connected via "gates" and synchronized so factions persist across all servers.

For a list of mods and overview of game modes, please visit the discussion forums.

World Size Overview
Alpha server is 1000km^3
Beta server is 1000km^3
Gamma server is 600km^3
Delta server is 600km^3


These servers have many specialized mods that improve game play, but also change how the game is played.


Conquest is a game mode that rewards you for claiming asteroids. In order to build more than 2 small ships and 2 large ships, you must conquest asteroids. Please read /conquest help to get an overview of this game mode.

Automated Construction System

Ship welders have been replaced by an Automated Construction System block. In order to weld or repair blocks on ship, you must build this specialized block on a ship, and it will perform welding and repairing for you. This is to improve server performance.

Conversion To Station

Ships are converted to stations when you're not near them. When you get into the cockpit of a ship, please hit the k key then go to the Info tab and click on the Convert To Ship button to convert the station back to a ship in order to fly it. (DISABLED)


The radar block allows you to see objects at a distance. The block itself is straight forward and can be built on small or large ships. The start ship also starts with a radar. This block will highlight objects in the distance on your HUD for you to investigate. The larger the object, the easier it is for the radar to see.

Thruster Damage

Thruster damage is ON. Please note this when building.

Cleanup Rules

Cleanup occurs when:
- A ship has no ownership
- A ship has the name “Respawnship”
- A ship has no viable power source

Chat Commands

Private Message: /msg <name> <message>
Faction Message: /f or /faction <message>
Mute Players: /mute <name> or /unmute <name>
Hide Chat: /chat off or /chat on
Clear Chat: /chat clear
Local Chat: /chat local - You will only see chat in local sector
Global Chat: /chat global - You will see chat from all sectors (default)


You may only have 1 drill per ship by various sized drills exist that drill larger areas than normal.


You may build a shipyard that allows you to import blueprints from the steam workshop. It also builds, repairs, scraps and annexes ships automatically for you. More help can be found at /sy help or read the forums about shipyards.
인기 토론글
댓글 920
Neo 2023년 1월 12일 오전 6시 27분 
Bring back the server :(
n0llie 2022년 5월 26일 오전 1시 11분 
tyrsis come back :se:
Gov.Toothrot 2022년 4월 21일 오전 12시 33분 
Space Engineers.. Anyone want to play? Direct Connect:
Malagant 2020년 9월 30일 오후 1시 56분 
whats yalls server called, i found trancendence gaming but it seemd broke
Neo 2020년 7월 4일 오후 11시 37분 
Server is back up
GGeorge4IV 2020년 4월 22일 오전 9시 29분 
With CoVID... We need Transend as part of the recovery
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24 채팅 중
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2014년 7월 28일
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