Test Chamber Development Union TCDU
Test Chamber Development Union TCDU
11. Juni 2012
ÜBER Test Chamber Development Union

Combining the Efficiency of the Professionals with the quality of Unionized Labor

The Test Chamber Development Union is self-explanatory union of test chamber developers and are close associates of science for Portal 2's new Perpetual Testing Initiative DLC. We strive to provide the community of Aperture Science with high-quality test chambers with the right amount of difficulty,decor, and overall amusement. Note that this isn't an elitist group that only accepts super-popular chamber developers, however we need some amount of quality if we are to abide by our standards. The average test builder is welcome here, and so is everybody else.

Below are a few bits of information you need to know about the Test Chamber Development Union:

1. Maps must be capable of being completed. We do not accept Unsolveable Tests.*

2. Know that there is no such thing as an unimportant job in any aspect of the world,
including Portal 2. We need EVERY kind of member we can get. Without test subjects we would not have a purpose to build test chambers, nor would we be able to execute science. Without chamber developers, we'd have nothing to test with. Even graphic designers, movie developers, and loyal fans are welcome. DO NOT DISRESPECT PEOPLE FOR BEING A TEST SUBJECT/ ETC.

3. You are allowed to use either the Perpetual Testing Initiative DLC And/OR the Hammer SDK Editor to develop maps that will be deemed acceptable to the TCDU. Some of the best puzzle packs were built with the two tools.

4. This is a semi-professional Organization. We do have a sense of humor and allow peroidical jokes of some backgrounds to be shared. Keep in mind that we do NOT accept the following:

* Chain Letters
* Obscene jokes/posts
* Racist jokes/slurs
* Or anything that stirs about controversy
Use common sense and logic!

5. If you have more than one talent in terms of Portal 2-related Development, then the TCDU has more than one reason to keep you here.

6. Only Portal 2-related items are to be discussed within the TCDU. Keep Team Fortress 2-related items in the Team Fortress 2 Universe, along with anything else outside of Portal 2.

*An unsolveable test is defined as: 1. Any test that features missing or broken elements that prevent people from completing the test due to the test requiring people to use the missing/broken elements. 2. A test that features an ending that forces the player to die in a "Suicide Ending." 3. A test that causes either the client's game or computer to experience technical problems such as: Crashing, freezing, Blue-screens-of-death, or other problems.

As long as you have respect for others and use common-sense, you should be fine here. So let's stop wasting time and go develop those tests! We have a deadline you know.

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New Community Collaboration Collection Discussion
13 Kommentare
Notawallplan 9. Nov. 2012 um 20:24 
I may leave In the cause of recant events and lack of work
I need to be free of this burden
I will like to congratulate all for being great but
i am(leitaly) tourn between games
I am sorry for the inconvince (leaving after the weekend)
This is Notawallplan,good night and oringe portals
Notawallplan 23. Okt. 2012 um 4:15 
PsionicWhale 22. Okt. 2012 um 20:02 
I know it is not much, and it is actually kind of annoying given the timing factor of the second portion, however I think the concept might be remotely fresh. Anywho, if anyone wants to be a test subject for me please check out my map:
(p.s anyone know of some really good hammer tutorials?)
Robly18 28. Aug. 2012 um 7:53 
Hi, I've made a few tests, I was hoping someone might be a test subject for me...
This one is my most recent one.
Geneosis 17. Aug. 2012 um 15:26 
I use to forget this group X)
Well so here is my demo map for the BEE mod out some days ago :p =>
And here is my first coop map ;) =>
Notawallplan 16. Aug. 2012 um 13:47 
The co-op puzzle update for PeTI was relesed
Chat betreten
11. Juni 2012