Simultaneous Giveaways SimGive
Simultaneous Giveaways SimGive
13. joulukuuta 2012
Tietoa: Simultaneous Giveaways

A group where all giveaways end at the same time!

Well for outsiders, you first have to know that this is a SteamGifts group intended for gifting and winning games.

This group will only opperate close to Major Steam Sales. The plan for this group is to have quality giveaways that all end at the same time.


  • Members must comply to SteamGifts rules

  • Every member must create at least one giveaway that fulfills as "primary" (explained below).

  • Primary giveaways must not be bundled or exploited games

  • Primary giveaways should at least get 1/5 of the group size in entries

  • Primary giveaways should have no Contribution Value requirement

  • All giveaways should end at the same time. For the current event that time is 16:00 UTC Sunday 30th of December 2017

  • There should be no giveaways of the same game (multi-copy giveaways are ok)

  • All giveaways should be region free

  • All giveaways must be created and valid at most 48h before the giveaways' end time

  • Pre-order game giveaways must have a close and definite release date

  • Every member must befriend all other group members

  • Use of any kind of scripts during reservation phases is prohibited

The above rules are described in detail HERE but there is also an FAQ

Notice: there is a member cap of 50 but it could be less

▪ Giveaways Ending Time[]
▪ Not allowed primary giveaways (+HB Monthly)[]
▪ SimGive Site[]
Winter 2017 event is officially over
  • Nudi - Finding Paradise 9,99€ on Steam (entered for it, also in his wishlist)
  • Skull18 - Cat Quest 7,79€ on HB (entered for it, also in his wishlist)
  • gizzy - SMASHING THE BATTLE 3,59€ on Steam (from his wishlist)

If everything is well, we should be seeing each other again for another round in the Summer.

Viva la synchronization!

Stats available, also thoughts and consolation round
Stats available
We have a final version of our stats for those of you looking for numbers, you can check and comment on them here

Thoughts and suggestions on the event
As always, there is a topic where you can share your thoughts and experience of the event here

Consolation round
We usually have some members in each event that can be considered as unlucky, so there is a tradition to console them (those of us feeling we won more mostly). You can state your interest in contributing on the consolation round here

582 kommenttia
tragikos 2.5.2018 klo 2.29 
A shared giveaway for you too: {LINKKI POISTETTU}
valentincr 24.4.2018 klo 12.26 
I've decided to leave Steamgifts. Maybe I'll still enter from time to time, but I'm leaving all the groups. Thanks for having me in the last events and wish you the best for the future ones! Viva la Synchronization!
(♉ ) Tristetea 30.12.2017 klo 21.08 
Here's to hoping everything went well. Gpu died so had to send the game via phone as well, can't join groupchats :D
PunasaurusRex 16.12.2017 klo 23.27 
just a heads up there was some issues with adding me prior to restart and updating steam, i sent invites for friends to those who werent on my list - thanks - <3 Puna
Guille36 12.12.2017 klo 7.32 
Thanks everyone for the votes and for the invite! Looking forward to a fun event!
ernesttico 12.12.2017 klo 6.20 
I was really glad to see the invite, today. Thanks for having me here!
13. joulukuuta 2012