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SPUF Secret Santa 2010 Hohoho 2010
กลุ่ม STEAM
SPUF Secret Santa 2010 Hohoho 2010
1 ธันวาคม 2010
เกี่ยวกับ SPUF Secret Santa 2010

Proving SPUF Can Forget About Hats, and Learn To Give

In the gift giving spirit of the holidays, I'm proud to bring you the first ever SPUF Secret Santa event. This is like a typical Secret Santa event you'd have in your office, school, or other social gathering place, but this is with the fine members of SPUF!
Couldn't say that with a straight face...


* No Grinches or Scrooges
* Must Be in the Steam Group
* No Gift Wrap Required to trade
* You Must Accept the Gift You Are Given
* Your Account Must of Been Created Before This December
* No Non-Promotionial weapons, Paints, Dueling Mini Games, Keys, Crates, Metal Below the Value of a Refined, Alien Swarm Parasites, Ghastly or Ghastlier Gibus, or Used Items (i.e. a Noise Maker with 2 Uses Left)

The Thread
New SPUF Secret Santa Event Going On
Missed the event? Come here to participate still!
146 ความเห็น
JokersFlame 13 พ.ย. 2011 @ 11: 33am 
Can't wait to do this again.
Count Simpula 26 ธ.ค. 2010 @ 4: 46pm 
I'm going to lock this group, so only people who were apart of this year's event can be in it.
Xero 24 ธ.ค. 2010 @ 11: 54am 
Why does it feel like everyoneI I try to talk with is being rude to me?
goose 24 ธ.ค. 2010 @ 8: 35am 
I already wrote to Gabe, but heres' what I did for you:
Now, for Gigolo. Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd merely like to mention if I may. That our lasting attitude, is one of last gratitude, for what our friend has done for us today.

And therefore, I would simply like to saaaaay.

Thank you very much, thank you very much, that's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me.
I may sound double dutched, but my delight is such, I feel as if a losing war's been won for me.
And if I had a flag I'd hand me flag out. To add a sort of final victory touch.


Since I left me flag at home, I simply have to say,
Thank you very very very much.
Clipboards 24 ธ.ค. 2010 @ 8: 34am 
Krampus, the event went great. Everyone is referring to me as the guy who saved christmas, as because Im an admin, and I saw everything going to hell fast, I made all the pairings and gave out all my hats except my favorite vintage ones from each class.

:P It went great.
Count Simpula 24 ธ.ค. 2010 @ 7: 36am 
0 ในแช็ต
1 ธันวาคม 2010