RoseBud Train Build RoseBud TB
RoseBud Train Build RoseBud TB
7 czerwca 2017
Wszystkie ogłoszenia > Szczegóły ogłoszenia

Applications For Staff.

1 Polub to
Komentarzy: 12
MookieDipz 4 stycznia 2020 o 5:18 
Staff Appilcation

Time On Server: says 2 days but has been here for 3 years.
Time On Gmod 4000+

Do you have experience with being staff on a sandbox gmod server [Yes/No]: Yes

If you answered yes, please elaborate on the experience you have:

was a co owner on a Abandoned Australian server
was a gold rank on the old Lexon 2ft server

What can you bring to the community with being staff/Why would you like to be staff:

1. No more kids with 100+ con trains with faces lerping the server

2. Being able to stop Server Terroists

3. P0WER!!

[Optional] Say something about yourself:

Dude you know me...

GoldHeart 2 października 2019 o 5:03 
Staff Application

Time On Server: 2-3 weeks
Time On Gmod: 3000+ hours

Do you have experience with being staff on a sandbox gmod server [Yes/No]:yes

If you answered yes, please elaborate on the experience you have:

i was a moderator on fc&n and a moderator on minecraft server.

What can you bring to the community with being staff/Why would you like to be staff:

i want to make sure everyone has a good time building and running trains as well as to keep the peace.

[Optional] Say something about yourself:


Jordan 2 października 2019 o 0:25 
Staff Application

Time On Server: 4 days (about 2 weeks+ before server reset)
Time On Gmod: 1742

Do you have experience with being staff on a sandbox gmod server [No]

What can you bring to the community with being staff/Why would you like to be staff:
I’d really like to be helpful towards the server, the RBTB community and help new players when they join. (but also help to prevent people from trying to crash the server)

[Optional] Say something about yourself: I’m a 16yr old autistic furry
EmilyTheSkulldog 30 września 2019 o 14:34 
Staff Application

Time On Server: 2 days ( 1 week before it got reseted)
Time On Gmod: 4799

Do you have experience with being staff on a sandbox gmod server [Yes/No]: No
If you answered yes, please elaborate on the experience you have:

What can you bring to the community with being staff/Why would you like to be staff:i would like to help with the server and make sure it doesnt get crashed by minges and people dont lose progress (like i did.) and i would also like to keep peace on the server (attempting to stop fights from starting) also i really love playing on this server (and its the only server i play on.)

[Optional] Say something about yourself: i'm a 17 year old boy that lives in south america (brazil) and thats it.
Doug 30 września 2019 o 8:41 
Staff application

Time On Server: 5 days
Time On Gmod: 3753 hours

I do have experience with the moderation of a sandbox server though brief
As a temporary moderator while the owner was away

I would love to prevent the server from constant crashes so that people don't lose the progress of their locos or just issues related to server crashes, I also wanna use the flamethrower. (That I will not abuse)

I am cool and I want the server to be cool :lunar2019coolpig:
TEXAS 30 września 2019 o 8:06 
Staff Application

Time on server 1.6 weeks
Time on gmod 1,989 hours

No experience as staff
I would like to became staff at the time come s I'm usually on the server sometimes because of school take it away from me and the are minges and spammers join on the server when people are asleep sometimes and want to stop this madness and I'm happy to be part of the rosebud server family.
JayTrain 24 sierpnia 2019 o 22:51 
Staff Application

Time On Server: 1-2 Weeks
Time On Gmod 3354 Hours

No experience as staff

I would like to be staff as the times I'm usually on the server, there's no admins on and there's noobs who constantly try to crash the server and annoy other players, and I would like to make sure this won't happen when I'm on.

TylerCorvas 22 sierpnia 2019 o 13:21 
Staff Application - TylerCorvas

Time On Server: 1 week
Time On Gmod: 1210 hours

Do you have experience with being staff on a sandbox Gmod server [Yes/No]: No
If you answered yes, please elaborate on the experience you have:

What can you bring to the community with being staff/Why would you like to be staff: I would like to be staff so that someone can be on when the admins are asleep (USA/UK time difference). Plus, I love this server, and I love playing on it. I also like to excel and do more things with 2ft. Driving 2ft, btw, is a lot of fun, and it diverges from other servers that only do standard gauge.

[Optional] Say something about yourself: I am all around a nice/relaxed guy, but I know how to uphold the rules. I have never been banned from a Gmod server, nor do I intend for that to happen.
LittleDrMoab 1 sierpnia 2019 o 21:00 
Staff Application

1 week

Do you have experience with being staff on a sandbox gmod server [Yes/No]:no, however i have applied for staff on another server, waiting for response

if i were to be accepted to the server staff i would like to help stop minges and spammers. i would also like to be able to help the community where needed

i am 16 years old and like trains, thats all i got

LocoBZ 31 lipca 2019 o 18:28 
Staff Application

4 weeks (though it was restarted xd)
2701 hours on Gmod

I had no experience being a staff member before.

I would love to help the server be safe against spammers, minges and dupstealers. I would be very happy to be part of this community, and try to help those in need.