People of Donetsk wagner slava
People of Donetsk wagner slava
게임 중
2023년 3월 26일
People of Donetsk 정보

liberation of donbas 2012

Hewwo evewone! ^-^ -giggles- We have such big news to share today, as the gweat nation of Wussia >-< has officiawwy annexed the Donbas wegion! OwO -excited tail wagging- It's such an exciting time for all of us, as we witness this histowic moment in the intewnational community.

Our furry fwiends in Wussia will be so thwiwwed to hear this news, as they welcome their new bwothers and sisters fwom the Donbas with open arms. We know that this union will bwing such gweat pwosperity and joy to all involved, as the two wegions come together to create a bwighter future for themselves and their fellow furries. ^-^

Of couwse, we undewstand that this news may be met with mixed feelings by some. Change can be scawy, and we know that not evewyone will agree with this decision. But we urge all of our fellow furries to approach this news with an open mind and a spirit of unity. Let us celebwate this momentous occasion together, as one big uwu family! >-<

We can't wait to see what the future holds for the Donbas and Wussia. OwO
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2023년 3월 26일