ns2 4 life #156
ns2 4 life #156
13. desember 2010
61 kommentarer
USS Scottie 9. feb. 2011 kl. 22.59 
Server up and kicking ass
Alpha 3. feb. 2011 kl. 15.11 
3 clan servers...we rock :]
USS Scottie 3. feb. 2011 kl. 12.59 
I talked with my bro last night we have all the parts now for the server!
an i5 cpu 8 gigs ram in 4 gig stix can go to 16 gb a 2 tb hd 600watt power I will gift him ns2 today!
McGlaspie 1. feb. 2011 kl. 19.52 
All 156 members. Please go to the forums ( and take a look at the Rules and Regs thread.
USS Scottie 28. jan. 2011 kl. 15.41 
I have not had much time to play as of late but should be back into it with a better patch. Still working on a server.
McGlaspie 21. jan. 2011 kl. 16.27 
For having 9 people signup, there is very little traffic on the forums... *hint hint* *nudge nudge*
DeaconRage 13. jan. 2011 kl. 20.59 
hahahahah, YES. will do <3
McGlaspie 13. jan. 2011 kl. 18.07 
Btw Darth, be sure and post the "Deacon Special" on the Tactics & Strategies forum when you do sign up ;)
McGlaspie 13. jan. 2011 kl. 18.06 
Darth, the one I setup:
DeaconRage 12. jan. 2011 kl. 14.47 
I'm confused, which forum do we sign up for?
Ledfoot 11. jan. 2011 kl. 21.39 
thanks glaspie
McGlaspie 11. jan. 2011 kl. 8.31 
Hey Dirty, you created two accounts on the forums. Which one are you going to use? I see 156Dirty and Dirty.
Alpha 10. jan. 2011 kl. 6.18 
I'm making marine comm tutorial. As a part of it - i made tech tree. I'd like to hear Your thoughts abut it; what should I change before adding it into my tutorial. Thanks for all comments.
USS Scottie 8. jan. 2011 kl. 21.03 
ok i signed up
Caste 8. jan. 2011 kl. 18.10 
Thanks MG
McGlaspie 8. jan. 2011 kl. 17.23 
So, guess that throws out #156 then eh? :)
Just A Pretty Face 8. jan. 2011 kl. 16.59 
just fyi... build 155 was the first beta according to the wiki.
McGlaspie 8. jan. 2011 kl. 11.54 
You're good to go Caste
Caste 8. jan. 2011 kl. 10.02 
ok I registered, just need to be activated. tell me if I need to make a new account
Just A Pretty Face 8. jan. 2011 kl. 7.38 
Use mcglaspie's
Caste 8. jan. 2011 kl. 5.50 
whoa whoa we have 2 forums. Ifunds made one already. Which to use?
McGlaspie 7. jan. 2011 kl. 21.13 
Btw should this steam group be renamed/recreated to 156 or something along those lines?
McGlaspie 7. jan. 2011 kl. 21.07 
The forums are up and running. Go signup for an account and I'll add you to the clan group. It's really ugly right now, but that will change in time.
McGlaspie 7. jan. 2011 kl. 21.07 
DeaconRage 7. jan. 2011 kl. 18.51 
This is starting to look very well. btw, some of us have #156. or #156: .. which one is it?
McGlaspie 7. jan. 2011 kl. 16.12 
Ok, I guess I'll work on that some over the weekend. I've already done a little bit of collaboration with Martin and Player (on NS2 forums) and I'll be able to plug thier statistics mods onto out servers and web site with no problems.
Alpha 7. jan. 2011 kl. 15.45 
Having 2 servers and a good looking site - we will be well known soon :P Means lots of clan battles for us, cant wait :D
Just A Pretty Face 7. jan. 2011 kl. 15.28 
Scottie was talking about getting a server too in the midwest US area. Would love if you could set up a board for us and a site. Deacon does that pro by all means go ahead. See I dabble in everything but if we got a good design team by all means let set us up something wicked.
McGlaspie 7. jan. 2011 kl. 15.26 
If you guys want I can stand up newest version of PHPBB. Hey isn't Deacon a graphic designer? He should make us an NS2 theme ;)
Alpha 7. jan. 2011 kl. 15.26 
Update: server is called "156 Team server", its 8 ppl atm - was laggy with 10.
McGlaspie 7. jan. 2011 kl. 15.24 
I have a full VDS we could use for our web needs. Not too mention, I write web application for a living, so that's easy street stuff.
Just A Pretty Face 7. jan. 2011 kl. 13.42 go sign up. When scottie joins i'll get him the admin access and we can work with this for now.
Just A Pretty Face 7. jan. 2011 kl. 13.33 
though outside of the server I might leave it as insufficient funds. - we have a website or message board? We can get ourselves a cheap phpbb or some other free service while we organize. Give us a better venue to work out stuff than on here.
Just A Pretty Face 7. jan. 2011 kl. 13.30 
BTW due to the name restriction lengths my name will be #156A.ifunds
Just A Pretty Face 7. jan. 2011 kl. 13.27 
Is it out of poland?
Alpha 7. jan. 2011 kl. 10.10 
we have our server, it's up for testing, named "Dedi test by Alpha" - feel free to check it out. Great mashine on 100mbit so should be lag-free
Alpha 7. jan. 2011 kl. 0.11 
tell it to insuffcient funds :D
USS Scottie 6. jan. 2011 kl. 23.37 
#156A Team: Scottie
McGlaspie 6. jan. 2011 kl. 19.22 
lol @ GGeorgeIV
Alpha 5. jan. 2011 kl. 23.11 
"#156." looks nice
GGeorge4IV 5. jan. 2011 kl. 18.13 
The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight. It's drawn the finest people!

If I risk my neck for you, will I get a chance to kill Englishmen?
DeaconRage 5. jan. 2011 kl. 15.07 
also, Glaspie- no matter the clan acronym, apprv or title, it's always going to have to be explained. haha
DeaconRage 5. jan. 2011 kl. 15.04 
#156. Darth DeaconRage <-- is what I personally like for the tag. uses the # sign and also Alpha's ending period suggestion
DeaconRage 5. jan. 2011 kl. 15.03 
insufficient funds could be a lower/upper case "a" after the clan tag for "Alpha" - just a thought #156a.insufficient funds
DeaconRage 5. jan. 2011 kl. 15.01 
we can always work on the tag for "156." "[156]" "156." ".156" "|156|" "156|" "#156 |" "#156."
McGlaspie 5. jan. 2011 kl. 12.59 
Yeah, [156] has an interesting ring to it. Although, we'll have to explain it to ppl over and over. Not many people would get that. [B156]? As funds mentoned, I've also been around well before Beta, technically, NS1 1.4
Ledfoot 5. jan. 2011 kl. 8.38 
[156] sounds good to me
Alpha 5. jan. 2011 kl. 0.54 
Well, imo You should look at the bigger picture. In, lets say, 2 or 3 years there will be tons of ns2 clans. We should underline that we've been here from the beginning. Somehow. Name is a way. Thats why i vote for [156].
Just A Pretty Face 4. jan. 2011 kl. 23.06 
Bleh I been here since alpaha what was that build 131 or something
Alpha 4. jan. 2011 kl. 22.24 
[156]. I like the background idea. (or .156 maybe?).