STEAM グループ
Mash more scrub walmartcon
STEAM グループ
Mash more scrub walmartcon
Mash more scrub について

What's the point of using your brain anyway? Just wake up with DP %100 of the time!

Footsies? Respect? Thought? Who needs those! Just mash!
15 件のコメント
Grantmaster 2016年10月15日 16時23分 
Sorry that I do not play that much, I just wanted to play for fun, I play a lot of League of Legends and if you want me to kick your ass on that then be my guest, and the fact that you are not switching to SF5 means you are a ♥♥♥♥♥
Gucci Belt 2016年1月29日 3時31分 
Nah, you're wrong xbxoxy.
It's everyone I've invited to this group. Seems pretty straight forward.
Mr. Sujano 2016年1月28日 15時18分 
I like to mash, wake up DP, and then turtle the rest of the match. 10/10. Will destroy anyone.
Cammy has the best hadokens. Ryu's tiger uppercut is no good.
XBXOXY 2016年1月25日 21時47分 
so, this group is from all the people that has kicked your ass?? lol... wow lmao hahahahahaha
Gucci Belt 2015年10月26日 11時41分 
Pretty sure you're missing the point of my name, and this group which is clearly a joke.
kit kit 2015年10月20日 1時16分 
cartman you dont have the slightest clue what you're talking about,i truely pity you,there was no respect given because i knew it would be free,add me if you'd like to un-free yourself and actually learn how to play instead of accusing everyone of being mashers when you give up free jump in's and dont know how to block set ups,in short,learn how to play the game before you start falsely accusing everyone that bodies you,because you're just making youself look more stupid than you already are,why add insult to injury?
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