NiceToGame/kivapelaa:D NTG :D
NiceToGame/kivapelaa:D NTG :D
26 October, 2016
Simplified Chinese
Kefu 26 Mar, 2018 @ 3:25am 
Pelaamine on kivaa :D
Vlidmir Putan 18 Apr, 2017 @ 9:30am 
kökking 17 Feb, 2017 @ 4:32am 
Asiasta sen tarkemmin tietämättömien silmissä käyttäjien saamat bannit voivat tuntua käsittämättömille ja osittain epäoikeudenmukaisille. E-SPORTS.FI:n puolesta haluan kuitenkin painottaa, että käyttäjät eivät aina näe mitä pinnan alla näkyy ja tapahtuu, tai ole nähneet koko keskustelua tai tapahtumaa, käytyä sähköpostiviestintää tai muiden medioiden kautta saatuja pikaviestejä.
kökking 17 Feb, 2017 @ 4:32am 
Vaikka pidämmekin keskustelupalvelua erillisenä lisäpalveluna varsinaiselle pelipalvelulle jossa kaikki käyttäjät voivat kohdata reaaliaikaisessa ääni- ja tekstikeskustelussa, olemme antaneet kahdelle käyttäjälle pysyvän kiellon myös E-SPORTS.FI:n pelipalveluun kiitoksena kaikesta heidän tekemisestään muiden käyttäjien eteen.

Pelitilin sulkeminen on äärimmäinen ratkaisu johon ei pitäisi joutua turvautumaan kuin pahimmissa tapauksissa, mutta haluan tämän osoittavan että E-SPORTS.FI palveluna ei tule koskaan hyväksymään kiusaamista missään muodossa. Haluamme tarjota käyttäjillemme turvallisen pelipalvelun jossa voi pelata ilman että joutuu sietämään moista käytöstä, ainakaan kovin pitkään.
kökking 17 Feb, 2017 @ 4:32am 
Ikäväkseni täytyy todeta, että nyt myös E-SPORTS.FI yhteisönä on saanu oman kiusaajaryhmänsä. Palvelumme käyttäjät ovat jo useamman kuukauden ajan saaneet enemmän vihamielistä keskustelua ja uhkailuja Discord-keskustelupalvelussamme sekä E-SPORTS.FI:n CSGO-peliservereillä yhä useammalta ihmiseltä.

Koska tilanne on mennyt kohtalaisen pahaksi, tiukensimme Discord-keskustelupalvelumme sääntöjä entistä tiukemmiksi. Tämä ei tuottanut täysin toivottua tulosta, joten annoimme muutamalle pahimmalle trollaajalle pysyvän porttikiellon keskustelupalveluun. Valitettavasti tämäkään ei estänyt kiusaajia jatkamasta kiusaamista muiden medioiden kautta.

Siksipä tilanne vaatii radikaalimpia toimia.
kökking 17 Feb, 2017 @ 4:31am 
Kautta aikojen kiusaaminen (tapahtui se sitten työpaikalla, koulussa, kotona tai julkisissa tiloissa tai muualla) on liiaksi vähätelty asia. Asia, jonka sitä vierestä seuraavat hyväksyvät hiljaisesti enemmän tai vähemmän epätietoisesti. Asiaa ei kuitenkaan pidä koskaan vähätellä, eikä koskaan hyväksyä.
+Slaywag♿ 3 Feb, 2017 @ 2:04am 
mitä vittua mä luin :D :tongue:
$AMU$WAGGIN$₆₆₆ 20 Jan, 2017 @ 5:31pm 
kiva pelaa :D
:D 27 Nov, 2016 @ 1:36pm manlet pietola haivaittu kuusamon kaduilla varokaa betat
teksi 21 Nov, 2016 @ 8:27pm 
kökking 19 Nov, 2016 @ 2:29pm 
Niko "nixoon" Pasonen started playing computer games when he was around 12 years old. His dad's co-worker was really into gaming and he had a bunch of computers at his place so he spent most of his days there after school. He played mostly CS competitively but played a bit of Diablo 2 LoD when he was 14. Since 15 years of age though, he has been playing CS. All of his friends from school started to play CS which got him into the game. He didn't like it that much in the beginning but he had always been very competitive. His greatest moment in CS history was back in 2007 when his team was drafted into CGS. Also his 87-0 streak with NTG is dear to his heart. His favourite event was also CGS but at the world finals in Los Angeles when he was playing CS:S he commented that, "It had pretty much everything; awesome prize money, TV-productions, a lot of high quality teams and just overall a great atmosphere and experience I will never forget"
kökking 19 Nov, 2016 @ 2:25pm 
Nizi was only an eleven year old when he tried out Counter-Strike for the first time. Thanks to his elder brothers' fondness of the game, he stumbled upon the FPS title that was going to become one of the biggest games in esport history. After a couple of years of playing, he made a name for himself within the Finnish online cup scene with the team POTTU, who later on would get a small sponsorship from the LAN-café dondo. The time playing in the scene paid off, and eventually he got his first break with the team POTTU in 2010.
Ratigan(Microsoft Fent Reactor) 19 Nov, 2016 @ 2:20pm 
keila on fthe month = helari
kökking 19 Nov, 2016 @ 2:19pm 
Isomäki began his professional gaming career in early 1999, when he made his international debut at the global finals in South Korea for the World e-Sports Games, alongside the new Finnish team of Havukalle Gaming. There, Havukalle defeated all opponents, including the defending champions Catch-Gamers and won the prize pot of 50,000 USD. Following this victory, Isomäki dropped out of high school to concentrate on his Counter-Strike career. In 2005, Isomäki was nominated for the eSports Award 2005, under the categories for "Näätä of the Year" and "Best Counter-Strike Player". In early 2006, Isomäki left Havukalle alongside his teammate Aleksi Virolainen, (known also as aleksib), and signed a contract with NTG and became a permanent member of the team
kökking 19 Nov, 2016 @ 2:12pm 
After they won CPL World Championships, nixoon, rejoined the team. NTG had a short-lived 7-man lineup, as SANDiZH was soon kicked, followed by MCKOO retiring and neekerin pillu :D plop :D going inactive.
kökking 19 Nov, 2016 @ 2:12pm 
After winning major Babbages CPL tournament in Dallas, Texas, several players left and new players joined afterwards, most notably, Pavel "neekerin pillu :D plop :D" Rööki and Niko "nixoon" Pasonen. A sudden split of the team that spread the top NTG players across two rival teams followed. The two rival teams faced each other in Amsterdam for CPL Holland 2001, where both teams reached the finals of the tournament. After the event, a new NiP was formed consisting of riq_u, nizi, nixoon, aleksib and neekerin pillu :D plop :D. Soon after nixoon was kicked and Kalle "MCKOO" Havumäki plus SANDiZH were picked up.
kökking 19 Nov, 2016 @ 2:11pm 
In June 2000, Riku "riq_u" Isomäki and nizi founded NTG as a LAN-based clan. Over time, more players joined and NTG begin making their mark on the Finnish Counter-Strike scene. Several wins in online and minor offline competitions and leagues ensured their reputation as the top Finnish clan. The early NTG clan changed several names at times and played in multitude of offline LANs. Their first notable LAN event was at CPL Cologne in December, placing a respectable 4th despite having some players unable to attend and needing several replacements.
Ratigan(Microsoft Fent Reactor) 8 Nov, 2016 @ 2:49pm 
D:44l3p 4v1k
kökking 8 Nov, 2016 @ 12:56pm 
D:44l3p 4v1k
pheini 28 Oct, 2016 @ 6:42am 
remuda 28 Oct, 2016 @ 4:52am 
ゲームニース (。+・`ω・´)
SAKUy 27 Oct, 2016 @ 10:54pm 
;D D
n_n 27 Oct, 2016 @ 8:30am 
ni_cE to G4Me :D
sartZi 26 Oct, 2016 @ 12:59pm 
kiva elää:D
Ratigan(Microsoft Fent Reactor) 26 Oct, 2016 @ 8:13am UPDATED LOGO :D:D:D:D::DDD
NIZI 26 Oct, 2016 @ 8:08am 
kiva pelaa:D
KORSON RAMSAY :D 26 Oct, 2016 @ 7:13am 