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H1Z1 Noob Parade H1Z1 NP
STEAM グループ
H1Z1 Noob Parade H1Z1 NP
H1Z1 Noob Parade について

H1Z1 Noob Parade 500 Subscriber Video (Blabbercat)

Well most people who have me added as a friend know I have a YouTube Channel, and recently I hit 500 subs. I figured I wanted to make a special video but I really don't know what I want to do, or well now I know I just need ALOT of people for this to have the kind of affect I want it to have.

What I plan for this to be is a large parade on a H1Z1 High population server. It will be a Noob parade because everyone will be armed with only Bows and arrows, pipes, axes or wrenches and no helmets or special gear. Once we have plenty of people we will gather up. The name of the server will not be given until set up and the time will be decided later (for security reasons also a teamspeak will be available for those who wish to be in voice chat outside of the game since group sizes are limited) When we all are met up we will then walk around the map starting from the special meet up location and ending in pleasant valley where I can garentee all choas will break loose (this is why it is a noob parade so if you play on the server I chose regularly I will not reccommend coming armed with stuff you could lose, with a group this large, attention will be all on us and so I am expecting trolls to eventually try to take us out. I will be recording this and will upload it to my YouTube Channel in the next 24 hours after it is recorded.

I am hoping for this to be a fun, memorable and absolutely hilarious and crazy experience for all who participate but I will need people to coordinate with each other successfully for that to happen, so its all up to you guys.

btw before I hear this in voice chat like 50 times, yes I am a girl.

My YouTube Channel Is Blabbercat if anyone wants to check it out and wants to know where the video will be posted.

Youtube Channel
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