FR L4D custom maps l4dCM
FR L4D custom maps l4dCM
게임 중
2009년 1월 30일
FR L4D custom maps 정보

Pouvoir jouer avec ses potes sur des maps custom!! To play with friends on custom maps!!

Tout d'abord télécharger les maps sur ces sites

-Télécharger les maps, puis decompresser les fichiers .BSP et .NAV dans - C:/programmesfiles/Steam/steamapps/common/left4dead/left4dead/maps
Parfois certaines maps sont composées d'autres dossiers (models,etc..), extraire le tout dans "C:/programmesfiles/steam/steamapps/common/l4d/l4d, le tout sera automatiquement placé la ou il faut.
- lancer left 4 dead.
- lancer la console et entrer "map nomdelamap".

#Pour jouer en multijoueur!!

- lancer "jouer une campagne"
- "jouer avec des amis"
- "creer un lobby"
-mettre la difficulté adéquate, et surtout ne pas utiliser "dedicated server" mais lancer un "local server" (tres important).
-une fois la partie lancée sur une des 4 campagnes, ouvrir la console et taper "changelevel nomdelamap" (et non "changelevel map nomdelamap").Ex: changelevel l4d_colaboration04tower .
si tout se passe bien vous devriez jouer sur la map voulue!!

PS = il y a peu de campagnes finies(Campagne orange) et d'autres en construction !
Si des fois vous aviez un soucis avec ses instructions, n'hésitez pas a me contacter.


Play custom left 4 dead maps with your friends by creating a public (friend) server and using the "changelevel" console command. (changelevel map_name)

-Download maps, extract BSP. and NAV. files in "C:/Programmesfiles/Steam/steamapps/common/l4d/l4d/maps".If there is more folders(models,etc..) than the map folder(bsp.and nav.), extract all in "C:/progammesfiles/Steam/steamapps/common/l4d/l4d", and files are automatically good place.
-restart steam.

1. First create a LOCAL SERVER Lobby that your friends can join and play, and choose DifficultY.
( Your friends must have the same maps installed in order for you to play them multiplayer).

2. Start the game with your friends or have them join after.

3. Open the console ~ and use the changelevel command.
( #. changelevel l4d_**********)

PS= If you have somes problems with instructions, contact me on steam.



Another Town
Brain 4 Dead : Suburb
Train Station
(look at "mapname+changelevel")

Survival maps=

-119crossfire(15 min)
-hang um high(20 min)
-castle defend...

Voilou bon jeu a tous...

Infected Bill :):)
"Left 4 LOL" funny video[]
Lef4Dead Underground!! Episode one (english version)[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
댓글 2
Sir GhOrK PeD0HunTer 2009년 7월 3일 오전 4시 49분 
Download the VPK. files to play customs maps, or always use a local server to play the BSP. maps !!!!
Sir GhOrK PeD0HunTer 2009년 5월 4일 오전 4시 01분 
SDK, SDK, SDK, SDK, SDK ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
게임 중
25 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2009년 1월 30일