กลุ่ม STEAM
FireFall - Crystite Union FFCU
กลุ่ม STEAM
FireFall - Crystite Union FFCU
5 กันยายน 2010
United States 
เกี่ยวกับ FireFall - Crystite Union

Welcome to FireFall - Crystite Union Community Group

Save Earth from the Chosen with the Crystite Union! A community Group for the upcoming Action FPS - Fire Fall!.

Synopsis -

Earth will never be the same. After the Crystite Wars, humanity inadvertently invited the worst enemy ever conceived: THE MELDING. It surrounds us. It forces us to live in pockets of land protected only by the accidental discovery of repulsor technology. We continue to fight for land. For technology. For power. For our very survival. JOIN THE FIGHT.

FIREFALL is a team-based action shooter. Join your friends in an epic online campaign across a vast open world to stop the Melding and fight for the survival of humanity against the army of the Chosen. Advance your army and character through technological upgrades. Level up different character classes. Compete for supremacy in various multiplayer game types. Push back the Melding. SAVE EARTH

FireFall Official Site[www.firefallthegame.com]
So...yeah. Firefall.
Channel Development
133 ความเห็น
30 ม.ค. 2017 @ 9: 55am 
i remember playing this back in 2014, i get tons of achivements but i put the game down after i kind of lost interest for other games, now im back and ready to kill some chosen, maybe even get a chosen skin if there is one, XD, how has the game changed since 2 yrs? has it been good? bad?
YuliGotGame 19 ม.ค. 2016 @ 7: 52pm 
hi all
Furious 24 ก.ย. 2013 @ 8: 37am 
Got 120 red beans code and warpaint
add me!
cruelty 30 พ.ย. 2012 @ 11: 02pm 
TNS is here do not worry, add me as your friend and send me your email address for beta key access to FireFall hurry becouse as you all know beta access is limited!
Virgil 6 ต.ค. 2012 @ 10: 16am 
Drive by key bombing!


Thanks for your support guys :)
Zygsy 4 ก.ย. 2012 @ 2: 32pm 
1 spare beta key willing to trade for beta key for somethig NON dota add me
0 ในแช็ต
5 กันยายน 2010
United States