STEAM 群組 |public group| ExG
STEAM 群組 |public group| ExG
2009 年 1 月 28 日
關於 |public group|

Excellent Gaming Mission & Vision
Excellent Gaming is a Multigaming Community with members spread over The Netherlands and Belgium. De clan was started with the thought: ‘Nothing is impossible.’ This means for us that nothing is impossible for the Multigaming Community and that we’re an organized clan that always makes progress.
On this moment the main game of the clan is Counter-Strike: Source, because most of our members play CS:S. The clan was originally found by CS:S playing people, who still play it. So most of our members play CS:S, but we also have CoD, L4D and Trackmania playing members.

What does our clan stand for? (Why are we unique?)
Excellent Gaming is a Multigaming Community that also offers perspectives for the younger gamers. On the moment there are a lot of clans that have a minimum age, but we don’t! We also want to offer the younger gamers a chance to climb up in the gaming scene and give them responsibility. Ofcourse it doesn’t always go very well, but in general the young gamers have a good discipline and are a good addition to the clan.

Excellent Gaming Clantag
Excellent Gaming’s clantag is X9. Most people will wonder why X9 is our clantag. Excellent Gaming was found on 1 February 2009, by Birdmaster and Mal!Bu^. On 1 February the clan already had 9 members. This is quite a symbolic moment for the clan, and that’s the reason why the tag is X9. The X is from eXcellent Gaming, and the 9 from the first members. X9 was also chosen as tag because it looks professional and it is very short, so there’s enough room for a teamname. We hope our members understand that is it important to wear the clantag at all times in their name. By wearing the tag, the clan shows that it has discipline and we are a serieus clan. That’s why we want all members to wear the tag.

Excellent Gaming’s Vision
Excellent Gaming was started with the purpose to become a big Multigaming Community, mainly aiming it’s arrows on the Counter-Strike: Source scene. This doesn’t mean we only recruit CS:S playing members, we’re also looking for members who play other games! We’re trying to realize our vision as soon as possible, but still very organized. So we aren’t going to make a team for a game although we aren’t sure this team isn’t going to be a success. Players who want to make their own team will have to come with a motivation, why they want to start their team and what they’ll try to accomplish in their team.

Future of Excellent Gaming
Excellent Gaming already exists for about 1 year and a half, but still we want the clan to grow and become more famous. How do we see our clan’s future? We are still trying to find good additions for the clan like members and servers. We’re trying to find the right people to start teams for other games. We expect a lot of dedication from our members so that they’ll help us grow and make us stronger.

Excellent Gaming Website[]
Sponsor Art of Warcentral[]
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2009 年 1 月 28 日