ECO - Role Playing Server ECO-RP
ECO - Role Playing Server ECO-RP
5 Φεβρουαρίου 2018
ΠΕΡΙ ECO - Role Playing Server

Welcome to Eco-RP!

Here we encourage cooperation, deliberation, understanding, and community.

Server Overview/Current State

Eco-RP is a fresh idea, one that is developing and mutating every single day. I want to ensure that players continue to enjoy the server as they have, while also incorporating role-playing aspects that will support the already interesting aspects of the game.

To do this, I want to strongly encourage players to subscribe to this group page's forums, as that is where a lot of the written role-playing shall be done. it is a place for formal documents, complaints, and discussions: ones that are clearly laid out for everyone to see and understand. This avoids players from having to ask people what was discussed if they were not there.

The government on the server is still fresh and new, and being worked on heavily every day. It is by no means completed yet, and I know that people will have complaints about it, but understand that everything at this moment is a work in progress. Everybody wants something done by the government, and it simply cannot do every little thing every body wants yet. It takes the values that I've previously mentioned in order for it to succeed, and also for the world to survive.

I hope to see you all in-game enjoying the server as I have. We have actively on a regular basis 5 people, but recently those numbers have been increasing. Let's keep it up, and I know we will all make this server great together!

Eco RP Three Golden Rules

  • Players may not hand out the server password, not even to friends. if someone enters the server, and destroys it, I prefer the blame to be on my hands.

  • On that note, do not actively try to destroy the ecosystem. This will result in an immediate permanent ban, as one false move can cause a complete server regeneration where we would all have to start from the beginning.

  • Do not settle anywhere but around the lake. Houses should remain in the immediate vicinity of the lake, however workshops such as industrial plants and farms should be placed further away from the village.

    Before Entering & Playing

  • Join this Steam group

  • Subscribe to announcements and discussion boards for the latest news

  • Make sure to frequently look at the Server website for current laws/districts/ect:

    Actively participate in the decisions of the server (laws, districts, discussions, ect.)


    It is manditory that the each individual build together in one central location to avoid unnecessary cluttering of the world. This will also minimize our impact on the ecosystem, while at the time giving us ample resources with which to build. there should not be a "village" for each person! Come together in a spot decided by all, and work from there.

    It is also maditory that you explicity tell an admin this on the Discord server before receiving access to the password.

    Discord Channel[discord.gg]
    Server Tracking Website[]
Information Update V2

Hello all,

In this update I'll be discussing a multitude of things. Everything from the rumors and negativity that has been running rampant both on the forums and in-game, the accussation that admins are ruining in-game mechanics, and clarifying with you all what it means to role-play on Eco-RP.

Recent Arguments linked to Lacking Organisation

I have noticed an increase in arguing both in the server and on the Steam Group discussion pages. This, I believe, is due to the lack of organisation right now. People don't know what's going on, so I understand where people are coming from. I ask simply that people understand where I'm coming from as well.

This server is a passion project of mine, and I truly do not want to get disheartened due to the arguing. I am trying to remain as neutral in game as possible while still building a foundation for role-play: one that people can build on and mutate. However as the questions build up, my process is slowed down. I am forced to expand my list of things to do instead of devoting my time to a few important things.

I am not asking that people stop asking questions, I actually love the questions! I would just like people to realize that there is a lot on my plate, and I am doing everything I can to solve things and make this server great. Yet, even if I do not touch anything in-game that might create more issues, the issues still arise.

Current Issues

Here is a brief overview of the issues I've seen arising across the board:

  • Lack of Role-playing
  • Foggy line between real life and role playing
  • Curreny (yes I'm mentioning that).
  • Belief in-game issues being solved OOCly
  • Lack of leadership
  • Belief admins take away from roleplay

    I'll be short and concise with my answers.

    Role-playing is different to what people are used to due to a lack of in-game communication mechanics (no local chat), and people not discussing role-play in role-play designated discussion pages. It is something that is developing on a daily basis to suit the server, and will to a larger extent involve people discussing role-playing topics in voice chat and on forums.

    "The Village" discussion page is a role-playing discussion page. Nothing hear should be taken out-of-role-play! Taking things to heart not only causes more issues in-game, but even those outside of it. Any topics discussed in "The Village" should not be seen as criticisms of the server, but as people talking about current issues in-game from an in-character perspective

    Currency is not being through Out of character (OOCly) means. The government would have been established before the server started, and so that is why the government is trying to implement its own currency compared to the one currently in circulation. Yes, a town hall is being built (with materials made in-game), and a mint being established there, but by no means is it an admin attempt to solve the current currency crisis. It is a government attempt at solving it by forcing gold miners to mint currency at a government-run mint.

    By no means are in-game issues being solved OOCly! Systems such as an Item price list are the groundwork being implemented by the government to lay a foundation for the server to in-characterly expand upon. Not everything can be created entirely in-game, because people will always need to reference something that they can find quickly, and get a run down of it. In-characterly, people can discuss how to mutate these systems, and even submit new documents out of game to use as the next foundation.

    There is currently a power struggle, per say, on the server. I do not want admins being leaders, because I've seen how that can turn out. However, I do want them there in very basic government positions of power to advise the current leader. There is also a lack of laws being made in-game (no laws have ever been made OOCly) because the websites for the servers are not currently working as they should. Please be patient. This is not the server's fault, it is because the game is in Early Access.

    As I have hinted in a few of my other answers, the admisn are not trying to cripple role-playing. At the moment everything is up in the air in terms of organisation, and role-playing is somewhat muted by this, but also by the fact that people are still learning the game. Not everyone are veterans of role-playing, but you are all here because you want to dip your feet into it. It will take time, but the role-playing will be expanded upon greatly.

    Roleplaying on Eco-RP

    Riddled throughout this post are hints of what it means to roleplay on Eco-RP, but allow me to break it down in one section.

    Eco-RP not only supports in-game roleplaying potential through chat and in-game actions done by players, but also out of game through role-playing discussion pages and general voice chat. It is a mixture of various different role-playing fields, that are all trying to work together to make an interconnected network of role-play.

    I want people to realize that not everything people say is meant to be taken personally, and is instead referring to in-character situations/arguments/discussions. I would advise everybody from now on to, when creating a roleplaying discussion to, in brackets, time "(ROLEPLAY)"
    beside the title of their discussion.
    Hopefully this will help avoid further miscommunications.

    Current Plans - 2 Week Time Frame

  • Finish Government foundation (3 days)

  • Establish government leader/Department officials

  • Item list with "default" prices that can be changed in-characterly based on supply/demand

  • Create Discussion pages for Government/Market & Government Departments

  • Interconnect the different role-playing platforms

  • Solve Currency issue through in-game means (Roleplaying situation!)

  • Create a list of role-playing events

  • Detail/Rule list outlining what admins/players should expect from the server, and what the conditions of the server are

    Wrap Up

    As usual a lot of information has been placed here, and I am more than happy to answer questions. I hope that things have been cleared up for the most part, and server intentions clearly explained. I hope that you all continue to stick around and see how things develop in the community both in and out of game!

    Thank you all,

    Willy McBride

Plans for the Next Week

Hello all,

The server has been receiving daily influxes of new faces, which is very exciting to see! This does, however, mean that players are coming into the server/group as it is rapidly changing. I want to take a second to inform these players that things will be more organised in the near future

Things can only proceed with the help of you all incredibly amazing people. You have made this server great, and I am so happy for it, and it is up to you how it goes from here.

Major Decision

As you all probably know I didn't begin this server with too much organisation to back it up, and because of that I'm making a lot of details about the server in a very short amount of time. These decisions would be better implemented if one thing were to happen: a server restart.

I know what you're all probably thinking. You've come too far to start over now, and I wouldn't blame any of you if you wanted to leave right now. I personally feel that this might be a good option, but not an immediate one. As I said before though, it is all up to you guys. It would be taken to a vote.

In the event of a server restart, skill points shall be given out to the players to ease the transition into the new era of the server! There would also be a pre-made government set up before the server starts, which would include officials in different departments, a currency, pre-made districts, and a job list that would help outline what we need in terms of professions

Along with this would come a re-tailored ruleset, and a list of plans for specific role-playing events. There would be no meteor in this server, as I believe it has caused people to rush to the goal of destroying it instead of focusing on role-play.

All In all this might be beneficial to everybody, but it shall be taken to a formal vote.

What to Expect from Era 2 of Eco-RP

If we do go through with this, here is a list of things to expect from it as you enter:
- Large list of role-playing events
- New ruleset
- Government established before server start
- Skill point boosts to ease process into new server
- Skill point rate increase
- Google document showing list of jobs & who is doing what
- Currency handed out by government
- Mod introduced
- Mayor's Home, which the village will be built around
- Market square
- Pre-defined districts (housing/trades/market/industry/nature reserves)
- Tweaks to code to make pollution more realistic
- Possible Enjin forum

Wrap Up

I have a lot of the foundation work basically done, and will happily post it on a Google document so that all of you can see. As I said though, this is all up to you guys and girls.

Please tell me either here in the announcement, create a discussion on the Steam page, or talk about it in Discord.

Again, thank you all. You're amazing!

Willy McBride

1 σχόλια
dare2 2 Νοε 2020, 14:53 
Is this dead?
5 Φεβρουαρίου 2018