Fan of Derp-o-Cross FoDC
Fan of Derp-o-Cross FoDC
29 March, 2011
Crabbages 31 Mar, 2011 @ 1:08pm 
And too much homework, can't derp eerrrrrrrr day.

Crabbages 31 Mar, 2011 @ 1:05pm 
oh, not to mention the micspam, mini-sentries, cabers across battlements, etc.

I still love the map though... I wonder why...
Crabbages 31 Mar, 2011 @ 1:04pm 
Might be doing a stupid move here, but in this group, everyone is equal.

Correction: As long as we don't grief the **** outta this, we'll be all equal.

Anyway about derpocross.

connect - spawn - pills everywhere - Jbird and enryu screw a bullet into my skull - preplane in our basement - scout rushs for intel - rawwwwwwket lawnchair throws crockets with the non-so-random crit - die - rage quit.

I LOVE this map. :D
katsumeragi 30 Mar, 2011 @ 5:59pm 
preplane, that's because it was made BEORE YOUR TIME. And its slight death symbolizes the death of an old era of the server when people were more butthurt about each other and no one embraced the derp as much.
preplane 30 Mar, 2011 @ 5:14pm 
There was this one time I was playing Doublecross and I got cabered, then headshot, then this other time I sticky exploded, then this one time I rained hell on everyone with needlespam, then got headshot again... it seems to repeat ad infinitum, but with different personalities sprinkled about.

I *heart* Doublecross.... THERE, I said it!

Also I appreciate all of these Doublecross groups, except for Anonymous, because you bastards never invited me to it.
Crabbages 29 Mar, 2011 @ 7:53pm 
idk the other ones out there, but one more isn't gonnakill anything right?

katsumeragi 29 Mar, 2011 @ 7:03pm 
Okay, so lemme get this straight, we now have Doublecross Anonymous, The Republic of Doublecross Doublecross Universe Online, and now this one. THIS MAKES SENSE.
Crabbages 29 Mar, 2011 @ 2:59pm 
Honest opinion: I made this for the lulz... D: